Maria Dunn Community Choral Singing Workshop

Join us for a community choral singing workshop with
singer-songwriter Maria Dunn. 
Visiting musician and composer Maria Dunn welcomes singers to this Toronto event.

When: Nov. 3, 7-8:30pm in-person and on Zoom
Where: College St. United Church, 452 College St, Toronto MAP

A true preserver of the spirit of folk music, 2022 Juno Award Winner Maria Dunn is often compared to Woody Guthrie for her keen social awareness and unvarnished melodic songs about ordinary people. Her latest album Joyful Banner Blazing (2021) celebrates resilience, grace, gratitude, solidarity, joy and the love that fires our actions to make the world a better place.

Sponsored by the Echo Choir as part of our Canada Council for the Arts ECHO Revived! grant project, this workshop is open to adult and teen singers of all genders and all (or no!) experience. You do not need to be able to read music to participate.

We welcome participants either in-person and on Zoom.
*In-person participants are requested to wear masks.
 Tickets $15.ea can be purchased here: Eventbrite  
Echo and Common Thread members PWYC suggested $15. at workshop, cash in hat style.

facebook page

Echo Wine Fundraiser! Thank you for supporting Echo!

We will send you a reminder to confirm the pick up dates, either the weekend of Oct. 20-30 or Nov. 5-6,
East end – 81 East Lynn Ave.
West end – 589 Indian Rd.
or Tues. Nov. 1 at choir practice (Neighbourhood Unitarian on the Danforth)

Open Rehearsal, Sept. 20, 7-8:30pm

We invite you to join us on Sept. 20, 7-8:30pm at the Church of the Holy Trinity  Map 
19 Trinity Square, Toronto (next to the Eaton Centre/accessible ramp & WC)
or on Zoom (see link below)

You will have the opportunity to see what it’s like to sing with Echo. We have openings and you are welcome to join us for the season that evening if you like.
*Covid safety protocols – as this is an ongoing issue for choirs to ensure the safety of their singers, we request that masks be worn at all times indoors and social distancing be practiced. Proof of Covid vaccinations will be required.

Echo provides a strong, inclusive, mutually supportive, community in the heart of Toronto for women who love to sing. The choir is committed to a unique and eclectic repertoire with a focus on social justice, musical excellence and passionate expression. We collaborate frequently with musicians who enrich our repertoire with music from a range of musical genres and diverse cultures.
Echo is dedicated to remaining an accessible community to all Torontonians by offering a sliding scale, both for membership fees and for concert tickets.

Topic: ECHO Rehearsal
Time: Sep 20, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 875 2205 2009We are looking forward to singing with you! 

More Fall Session Details
Rehearsals are in-person and on Zoom every Tuesday evening and the occasional Saturday at several lovely locations, Holy TrinityNeighbourhood Unitarian (across from the Carrot Common) and College St. United Church at Bathurst . We’ll have a workshop with Maria Dunn and Winter Concert with special guests Common Thread Chorus

Fees: $175. (Sept.-Dec. 2022) 
We strive to keep fees reasonable to make singing accessible for all we have a sliding scale policy up or down.
If you have any questions please contact Anne:

Session Details Fall 2022

If you would like to join us please contact Anne:
We are looking forward to singing with you! 

For more information about Echo visit:   
Take a look at our new profiles page: Meet the Choir

Fall Schedule 2022
Holy Trinity 
Sept. Tues. (7-8:30pm) 6, 13
Sept. 20 (Orientation New Members), 20 (Open Rehearsal)
Sept. 27 
Oct. 1, Sat. (10am-12pm), Tues. 4, 11

Neighbourhood Unitarian

Oct. Tues. 18, 25 
Nov. 1 (7-8:30pm Maria Dunn Workshop for Echo Members)

College St. United

Nov. 3, Thurs. (7-8:30pm Maria Dunn Open Workshop) All are welcome PWYC.

Neighbourhood Unitarian

Nov. 8, Tues. (Rehearsal/AGM)

College St. United

Nov. 12, (10am-12pm) Saturday Rehearsal

Neighbourhood Unitarian

Nov. 15, Tues.

Holy Trinity 

Nov. 22, 29 Tues.
Dec. 2, Dress Rehearsal (6-9pm) with Common Thread
Dec. 4 Sun. Concert 7:30pm (arrival 6pm)

Echo Events Spring 2022

Nancy Whitla Artist Retrospect and Holy Trinity Church 175 Anniversary Event, Sunday, June 19.
Echo had a fine turn out of singers to sing Bread and Roses.

Wanda St. Party, Saturday June 11, Talent Show 6pm performance.

Initiated by Romero House over 30 years ago as a way to welcome and engage newly arrived refugees and back for the first time in 3 years! Join us! Echo will be singing outside without masks a safe distance apart. The Talent Show” starts at about 6:00pm and there will be street festivities. MAP

SING! Free: Concerts in Trillium Park June 5

What a great time it was! We were small in number but mighty! Thanks for coming out!

Echo performed at the SING! free concert series runs on both weekends of SING! 2022, and features a wide range of performers, including choirs, spoken word poets, small vocal groups, live loopers, and more! Take in a beautiful view of the Toronto city skyline from Trillium Park (Ontario Place) while you enjoy a wide variety of local Toronto talent. No ticket required!
Echo performs on Sunday, June 5, 2:30pm, Location: Trillium Park, 955 Lake Shore Boulevard West, Toronto View Map
Event Links:

Sing with Echo this Fall, Tuesday, Sept. 6, 7-8:30pm at Holy Trinity or on Zoom!

Join us Sept. 6 for our first fall session hybrid rehearsal
at the newly renovated Church of the Holy Trinity  
19 Trinity Square, Toronto (next to the Eaton Centre/accessible ramp & WC)

Echo provides a strong, inclusive, mutually supportive, community in the heart of Toronto for women who love to sing. The choir is committed to a unique and eclectic repertoire with a focus on social justice, musical excellence and passionate expression. We collaborate frequently with musicians who enrich our repertoire with music from a range of musical genres and diverse cultures.
Echo is dedicated to remaining an accessible community to all Torontonians by offering a sliding scale, both for membership fees and for concert tickets.

Echo has an exciting 18 months ahead! We’ve received a grant from the Canada Council. Digital Now focuses on getting artists back to work now!
ECHO!! Revived! will allow us to collaborate with Maria Dunn this fall 2022, Annabelle Chvostek in the spring 2023 and Andrew Craig next fall 2023. We also look forward to collaborating with TC3 along with all of these artists.
Our Winter Concert on Dec. 4, 2022 will be a performance with
special guests Common Thread Chorus!

Rehearsals and workshops will be in person and on Zoom at several lovely locations, Holy TrinityNeighbourhood Unitarian (across from the Carrot Common) 
and College St. United Church at Bathurst.
*Covid safety protocols – as this is an ongoing issue for choirs to ensure the safety of their singers, we request that masks be worn at all times indoors and 
social distancing be practiced. Proof of Covid vaccinations will be required.

Zoom Participants do you have hosting experience? Would you like to be one of our rotating Zoom host?
Please contact Anne for more details:

Fees: $175. (Sept.-Dec. 2022) 
We strive to keep fees reasonable to make singing accessible for all.
Echo has a sliding scale policy up or down. Like most non-profit arts organizations we’re doing our best during these uncertain times. We encourage you to pay what you can. 
Payments can be made through e-trans using: 
Question: ‘What makes us happy?” Answer: singing (please note Dues so our Treasurer can keep a record)
or by cheque. Contact Anne and she will give you the NEW mailing address.

If you would like to join us please contact Anne:
We are looking forward to singing with you! 

For more information about Echo visit:   
Take a look at our new profiles page: Meet the Choir

Fall Schedule 2022
Holy Trinity 
Sept. Tues. (7-8:30pm) 6, 13 (Orientation New Members), 20 (Open Rehearsal/Welcome Tea), 27 
Oct. 1, Sat. (10am-12pm), Tues. 4, 11

Neighbourhood Unitarian

Oct. Tues. 18, 25 
Nov. 1 (7-8:30pm Maria Dunn Workshop for Echo Members)

College St. United

Nov. 3, Thurs. (7-8:30pm Maria Dunn Open Workshop) All are welcome PWYC.

Neighbourhood Unitarian

Nov. 8, Tues. (Rehearsal/AGM)

College St. United

Nov. 12, (10am-12pm) Saturday Rehearsal

Neighbourhood Unitarian

Nov. 15, Tues.

Holy Trinity 

Nov. 22, 29 Tues.
Dec. 2, Dress Rehearsal (6-9pm) with Common Thread
Dec. 4 Sun. Concert 7:30pm (arrival 6pm)

River Just Keeps Rolling…. Echo Spring Concert!

Thank you for joining us! Echo’s first live concert in over 2 years, back home at the newly renovated
Church of the Holy Trinity. Celebrating our 30th Anniversary!

‘The concert was a magical experience – it was a retreat from the busy city.
I closed my eyes and let the music transcend me. It was a lovely performance.
I had a physical calming reaction to it – I enjoyed the lovely strong voices and the
musical selections. It could have been anywhere.’
Patty Lynes

‘The concert was wonderful!  I didn’t think I’d be able to hear your
voices through the masks but the sound was very focused and crisp, not
muffled at all.  The first piece – Bread and Roses – was a beautiful,
rousing opening to the concert.  The second piece – Open my Heart –
was so moving.  These two pieces really made me realize how nourishing
choral music is to the soul, and how much I’ve missed it. You all sounded
amazing and I actually enjoyed the smaller size of the choir.’

Thanks Brenda

We are excited to be back home at the newly renovated
Church of the Holy Trinity  MAP
19 Trinity Square, Toronto
(next to the Eaton Centre/accessible)

To ensure safety and comfort for us all we request that masks are worn. Chairs will be spaced to provide social distancing.
Our concert will be one hour with no intermission, nor the regular raffle and refreshments.
Bring your friends!

Tickets are pay by donation, pay what you can.
Purchase here:
Or at the door.

 ☀ 🔘 💗

We look forward to seeing you!
facebook event

River Just Keeps Rolling…. Echo Spring Concert!

Join us for our first live concert in over 2 years and
in celebration of Echo’s 30th Anniversary!

Sunday, May 1, 3pm, 2022
Doors open 2:30pm, Concert 3-4pm

We are excited to be back home at the newly renovated
Church of the Holy Trinity  MAP
19 Trinity Square, Toronto
(next to the Eaton Centre/accessible)
To ensure safety and comfort for us all we request that masks are worn. Chairs will be spaced to provide social distancing.
Our concert will be one hour with no intermission, nor the regular raffle and refreshments.
Bring your friends!

Tickets are pay by donation, pay what you can.
Purchase here:
Or at the door.

 ☀ 🔘 💗

We look forward to seeing you!
facebook event

Echo Spring Season, Tuesday Nights, January 11 – April 26, 2022, 7-8:30pm

If you would like to join Echo next season starting in September 2022, register here: or contact Anne:

Details for current spring season here:
We’ll have optimistically planned a full term this spring…..just like the old days using a hybrid zoom model.  However due to the current situation we look forward to welcoming your lovely faces on zoom for the time being with the hope that we can move to hybrid later and a spring concert. There are more details below and to be announced as the season progresses.

Join Zoom Meeting Jan. 11 – Apr. 26, 2022 7pm ET

$150. (January – May) We have a sliding scale to make singing accessible for everyone. If you are able to pay more, we’d appreciate the donation and will send you a charitable tax receipt.
Payment Options  
You can send an e-transfer using: What makes us happy? Answer: singing
Or write a cheque payable to Echo Women’s Choir and mail it directly to Shelley our Treasurer. Anne will give you the address upon request:
Echo Spring Schedule 2022

Hybrid Zoom, NUUC & Church of the Holy Trinity
*all Tuesdays 7-8:30pm 
January   Tues. Jan. 11, 18, 25
February   Tues. 1, 8, 15, 22   
March   Tues. 1 Workshop Dr. Becca Whitla & Emma So Whitla, 8, 15, 22 david sereda guest spot, 29 
April   Tues. 5, 12, 19, 26 
Apirl 30, Sat. 10-11:30am Dress Rehearsal Compulsory, Church of the Holy Trinity
May 1, Sun. Echo Spring Concert 3pm (arrive at 1pm) Church of the Holy Trinity

 ☀ 🔘 💗
For more information about Echo check out our New Website! 
Designed by Tim Wainwright!  

Songs of Climate Activism with Cassie Norton, Echo Workshop

Thank you Cassie for your enlivening workshop!
Sing for a better world with Toronto musician, teacher and climate activist Cassie Norton

Tuesday, Nov. 23, 7pm – 8:30pm on Zoom

Echo Women’s Choir welcomes Toronto-based singer-songwriter, fiddler, teacher, composer, and climate activist Cassie Norton for a Zoom workshop! This event is open to our community. Adults and teens of all voices are welcome (ie you do not need to be female-identified to participate). We look forward to learning gorgeous songs of justice and change from Cassie.

Annabelle Chvostek and friends, Echo Choral Music Workshop on Zoom Oct. 5, 2021

Echo was pleased to present a choral music workshop with Toronto singer-songwriter Annabelle Chvostek live from her Studio Garage on Tues. Oct. 5, 7pm on Zoom.

We learned two songs with some choral arrangements from her newly released album String of Pearls.  Everyone was welcome!
It was also Echo’s first hybrid rehearsal! Annabelle, Alan, Susanne and Alida sang and played live harmony!

Becca Whitla Workshop, “Soul Songs for times such as these”, March 1, 7-8:30pm on Zoom

Join us for a Zoom workshop of soul-satisfying songs for these times, featuring Echo Choir’s Co-Founder,
Dr. Becca Whitla and cameo appearance by
Emma So Whitla.

Tuesday, March 1, 7-8:30pm, 2022

Echo welcomes back Co-Founder Dr. Becca Whitla to lead a workshop on soul songs for these times. This is a community choral workshop and no prior musical or choir experience is required. You are ready to sing just as you are! Adults and teens of all voices are welcome. Free for current Echo Spring Session members, $15. for our friends. Zoom link will be sent upon ticket purchase.
Tickets $15.ea:  Eventbrite 
 Becca Whitla is the professor of pastoral studies at St. Andrew’s College in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where she teaches liturgy, preaching, and practical theology. Her book Liberation, (De)Coloniality, and Liturgical Practices: Flipping the Song Bird was released in December, 2020 (Palgrave McMillan). She worked in Toronto for many years as a community music leader. She co-founded and co-directed Echo and worked in the trade union movement developing leadership through choral singing. She is thrilled to be visiting Echo!

We look forward to seeing you!
facebook event

Songs of Climate Activism with Cassie Norton, Echo Workshop

Thank you Cassie for an enlivening workshop!
Sing for a better world with Toronto musician, teacher and climate activist Cassie Norton
Tuesday, Nov. 23, 7pm – 8:30pm on Zoom, 2021
Echo Women’s Choir welcomes Toronto-based singer-songwriter, fiddler, teacher, composer, and climate activist Cassie Norton for a Zoom workshop! This event is open to our community. Adults and teens of all voices are welcome (ie you do not need to be female-identified to participate). We look forward to learning gorgeous songs of justice and change from Cassie.

Echo Outdoor Singing Sat. Sept. 25 High Park

Thanks you everyone who came out. What a fine day! And to Susan Daly for this great panoramic shot!

Hello Singers??☀? 
Would you like to join us for some socially distanced
Outdoor Singing Sat. Sept. 25, 10am-12:30pm at High Park? 
We will meet on the west side of the north end park entrance by the washrooms/kids play area.Easy access from High Park Subway Station. High Park Map

We’ll sing some old Echo favourites and a few new songs that we’re learning this Fall Session. All are welcome! 
I can send you a link to music scores (later in the week). You can print them, view them on your device or we can have some printed copies available for those who need them.  

Please let me know if you are interested, so that we can get an idea of numbers and to send you the music:) What do you say!
We hope the weather will be exceptional, but if not we’ll choose Sat. Oct. 2 as our rain day, same time and place. 
We look forward to singing with you!