Program Ad Sponsors, Echo Winter Concert 2024, Every Voice in Harmony, Dec. 8 at Holy Trinity

Thank you!

Italian Restaurant & Grocery Locations: WEST 1617 Dupont St. Toronto
416-519-1010 & EAST 1501 Gerrard St. E. Toronto 416-466-1111

earth concerns Cleaning Service 416- 535-9397

 Bloor Avenue Chiropractic
Dr. Lynette Nissen 416-920-2468
1033 Bay St. Ste. 314, Toronto ON M5S 3A5 2306A
Bloor St. West, Toronto ON M6S 1P2 

Personal and Professional Investment Management
121 Richmond St. W. Ste. 305, Toronto

Harbord Bakery & Calandria 416-922-5767
115 Harbord St. Toronto

Echo Fundraiser Silent Auction Donors

Special Guests Turkwaz, Tranzac Club Feb. 22, 2024

Stephen Goring Registered Massage Therapist (416) 535-3512 26 Russett Avenue Toronto, ON M6H 3M3

Boomerang Pilates Boomerang Pilates and Wellness – Home

Confluence Concerts Confluence Concerts

Nightwood Theatre Nightwood Theatre – Canada’s flagship feminist theatre since 1979.

Coal Mine Theatre

Young Centre for the Performing Arts

National Ballet of Canada

Mosaic Yoga  Studio  mosaic yoga toronto – Classes that keep you open, resilient, rejuvenated, and curious

Toronto Symphony Orchestra TSO.CA

Thank you to our Ad Sponsors! Echo Winter Concert Dec. 3, 2023

Thank you to our Ad Sponsors! Echo Winter Concert Dec. 3, 2023. Love is the Greatest Gift with Special Guest Andrew Craig

Italian Restaurant & Grocery Locations: WEST 1617 Dupont St. Toronto
416-519-1010 & EAST 1501 Gerrard St. E. Toronto 416-466-1111

Dr. Lynette Nissen Locations: 1033 Bay Street #314 Toronto &
2306A Bloor Street W. Toronto 416-920-2468

115 Harbord Street, Toronto

Thank you Silent Auction Donors! Echo Spring Fundraiser

Thank you Silent Auction Donors! Echo Spring Fundraiser
April 20, 2023 at the Tranzac Club, Special Guests Gwen Swick & Caitlin Hanford

Stephen Goring Registered Massage Therapist – 26 Russett Ave. Toronto

Alison Crouch, Boomerang PilatesRoncy United Church 240 Roncesvalles Ave 2nd floor Toronto

Ursula Buck Registered Massage Therapist – 208-348 Danforth Ave (near Chester) Toronto

Gregory Saliba, Village Healing Centre – Roncesvalles United Church  214 Wright Ave Toronto

Natasha Parsons, Tarragon Theatre – 30 Bridgman Ave. Toronto

Richard Souce, Stockyards Boxing and Fitness Centre – 215 Ryding Ave Toronto

Mathieu McFadden, ChocoSol Traders – 1131 St. Clair Avenue West  Toronto

Echo Winter Concert Program Ads, Dec. 4, 2022, Through Darkness into Hope

Echo Winter Concert Program Ads, Dec. 4, 2022, Through Darkness into Hope

M, Mattachioni
New East Location, 1501 Gerrard St. E. Tor. 416- 466-1111
West Location, 1617 Dupont St. Tor. 416-519-1010

Bloor Avenue Chiropractic, Dr. Lynette Nissen
1033 Bay St. #314 & 2306A Bloor St. W. Tor.

Harbord Bakery & Calandria
115 Harbord St. Tor.
416- 922- 5767

Echo Winter Concert Program Ads, Through Darkness into Hope, Dec. 4, 2022

M, Mattachioni
New East Location, 1501 Gerrard St. E. Tor. 416- 466-1111
West Location, 1617 Dupont St. Tor. 416-519-1010

Bloor Avenue Chiropractic, Dr. Lynette Nissen
1033 Bay St. #314 & 2306A Bloor St. W. Tor.

Harbord Bakery & Calandria
115 Harbord St. Tor.
416- 922- 5767


Echo Video Sponsor Supporters 2021

M, Mattachioni
New East Location, 1501 Gerrard St. E. Tor. 416- 466-1111
West Location, 1617 Dupont St. Tor. 416-519-1010
Thank you for being our first video sponsor for
Holding You in the Light.

Bloor Avenue Chiropractic
603-208 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, ON 414-920-2468
Thank you for being our Green Shadows video sponsor!

Winter 2019 Supporters

Winter Concert 2019 Supporters

Echo sends our thanks to these wonderful supporters!

Prairie Boy Bread

Harbord Bakery

Church of the Holy Trinity

Fair Vote Canada

Bloor Avenue Chiropractic

Nicolas V. Martella Etoile Coiffure 99 Yorkville Ave. 416-402-5733

Jessica Rea, Natural Medicine, Herbalist & Acupuncture 416-706-1795

Neighbourhood Unitarian Universalist Congregation

Mattachioni 1617 Dupont St.