River Just Keeps Rolling…. Echo Spring Concert!

Join us for our first live concert in over 2 years and
in celebration of Echo’s 30th Anniversary!

Sunday, May 1, 3pm, 2022
Doors open 2:30pm, Concert 3-4pm

We are excited to be back home at the newly renovated
Church of the Holy Trinity  MAP
19 Trinity Square, Toronto
(next to the Eaton Centre/accessible)
To ensure safety and comfort for us all we request that masks are worn. Chairs will be spaced to provide social distancing.
Our concert will be one hour with no intermission, nor the regular raffle and refreshments.
Bring your friends!

Tickets are pay by donation, pay what you can.
Purchase here:  https://riverjustkeepsrolling.eventbrite.ca
Or at the door.

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We look forward to seeing you!
facebook event

Echo Spring Season, Tuesday Nights, January 11 – April 26, 2022, 7-8:30pm

If you would like to join Echo next season starting in September 2022, register here: https://www.echochoir.ca/join/ or contact Anne: info.echo@gmail.com

Details for current spring season here:
We’ll have optimistically planned a full term this spring…..just like the old days using a hybrid zoom model.  However due to the current situation we look forward to welcoming your lovely faces on zoom for the time being with the hope that we can move to hybrid later and a spring concert. There are more details below and to be announced as the season progresses.

Join Zoom Meeting Jan. 11 – Apr. 26, 2022 7pm ET

$150. (January – May) We have a sliding scale to make singing accessible for everyone. If you are able to pay more, we’d appreciate the donation and will send you a charitable tax receipt.
Payment Options  
You can send an e-transfer using: echochoir@outlook.com What makes us happy? Answer: singing
Or write a cheque payable to Echo Women’s Choir and mail it directly to Shelley our Treasurer. Anne will give you the address upon request:  info.echo@gmail.com
Echo Spring Schedule 2022

Hybrid Zoom, NUUC & Church of the Holy Trinity
*all Tuesdays 7-8:30pm 
January   Tues. Jan. 11, 18, 25
February   Tues. 1, 8, 15, 22   
March   Tues. 1 Workshop Dr. Becca Whitla & Emma So Whitla, 8, 15, 22 david sereda guest spot, 29 
April   Tues. 5, 12, 19, 26 
Apirl 30, Sat. 10-11:30am Dress Rehearsal Compulsory, Church of the Holy Trinity
May 1, Sun. Echo Spring Concert 3pm (arrive at 1pm) Church of the Holy Trinity

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For more information about Echo check out our New Website! 
Designed by Tim Wainwright! 